HighRich is a virtual mall with a referral system to encourage repeat commerce. The business entity is known as HighRich Online Shoppe Pvt Ltd.
As of the 22nd of October 2019, it was duly registered in India (Registration number 060038) to run its Highly Prosperous Online Shopping Platform. Kolat Dasan Pratapan and Kattukaren Sridharan Sarina make up the board of directors for the company.
The Business Plan of Highrich
Highrich‘s business model is highly effective for both online and offline marketers. The foundation of its business strategy is the growth of online sales.
So, instead of putting time and energy into holding events and influencing friends and family, you must focus on Internet marketing.
Type of Income
The Highrich Model is a form of network marketing. Any time a user pays for a premium plan or add-on, you can make money.
There are five distinct ways to look at this money.
First Purchase Proceeds
Money is made when a new member registers with the sponsor ID and becomes active. The company uses a unidirectional business model to divvy up the cash flow.
It’s a two-way street, with profits coming from both the left and right sides of the equation. Right and Left ranks are counted as separate individuals if their total number is equal.
Highrich’s online shopping business earns 200 INR per matched pair. The maximum you can spend in a day is 5,000 INR.
Repurchase Income
You will receive a commission when a customer purchases by viewing your downline Highrich site or using your downline Highrich app.
The money from the sale will be divided among the 18 levels of the multi-level marketing structure above them.
Digital Pool Income
Only Digital Customers are eligible to receive income from the Digital Pool. A minimum product bundle purchase of 12000 INR is required to become a digital customer.
Half of the profits from the online customer’s exposure to digital marketing are deposited into the digital pool. The discount is offered exclusively to online buyers. This income cannot exceed 3000 INR per day.
Digital ID Referral Income
Only digital customers can participate in this Referral Earnings programme. You will receive Rs. 1000 as a Referral Commission if the customer becomes a Digital Customer after entering the Sponsor’s ID. Your income is not capped at any level.
Making money through MLM is challenging in general. In the High-Rich-Network-Marketing-Business, however, things are different. In network marketing, failure is not a big deal. You should expect price reductions of 1% to 2% across the board. Top manufacturers have produced these items