Obesity is often recognized as a weight-related condition. Extensive studies have however identified its effects on other organs in the body and overall health and wellness of an individual. 

Bariatric Surgery or Weight loss Surgery, is a popular treatment method for obesity. There are several myths and misconceptions regarding the surgery and its outcomes. Here, we will debunk some common myths regarding Weight loss or Bariatric Surgery.

Myth #1 Bariatric Surgery is the “easy way out.”

One of the most widespread myths out there is that bariatric surgery is a shortcut or an easy way out of weight loss. It is not a magical solution to obesity. Weight loss surgery is evidently a tool that helps patients manage their weight loss effectively. It takes a lifetime of dedication to monitor your diet, ensuring you are meeting your nutritional requirements, and physical therapy sessions for months. Success with weight loss surgery requires a lot of work before and after the surgery. Once you have committed to bariatric surgery, you will spend about six months learning about healthy living, attending pre-operative classes and undergoing consultation before you have surgery. 

Myth #2 Bariatric Surgery is dangerous

Bariatric surgery like any other surgeries carry risk. While it can be a useful tool for weight loss and addressing obesity-related health issues, it is not without potential complications. Common risks include infections, bleeding and side-effects to anaesthesia. Beyond these, some people who undergo Bariatric surgery may experience nutritional deficiency caused by malabsorption. However, this is a very rare complication and many dietary supplements can help prevent it. The risk factor for weight loss surgery can be significantly reduced by a skilled surgeon with extensive experience in the field. There are very few clinics who house experts for such essential procedures. Midas Touch is known for housing the best cosmetic surgeon in Ahmedabad.

Myth #3  It’s better to lose weight with diet and exercise

Many people can lose weight through diet, nutrition and exercises, but they are unable to maintain that weight over a long period of time. Keeping weight off for more than five years can drastically improve other health issues made worse by obesity.

Bariatric Surgery or Weight loss surgery not only helps you to lose weight, but also maintain it for a long-term. In cases of excessive weight or severe obesity, Bariatric Surgery and not diet and exercises, can help you lose weight and achieve long-term results.

Myth #4 Bariatric Surgery is for Everyone!

An extensive physical, psychological and lifestyle evaluation is done to determine whether one’s a good candidate for weight loss surgery. Based on the results, the surgeon/expert makes the decision and accepts you as a patient. Bariatric surgery is for people who are unable to lose weight even with exercising and diet, and whose overall health is being affected by the excess weight, such as:

  • Pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is often used to determine the eligibility of the patient. People who resort to weight loss surgery usually have a BMI between 40 to 50. They are most prone to obesity related diseases and heart conditions.

Myth #5 Results are immediate!

How quickly one loses weight after surgery will depend on factors such as one’s age, gender, starting weight, activity level and how well one follows their doctor’s instructions regarding diet and exercise. Most patients find that they lose weight in the first three months immediately after surgery, but then weight loss starts to gradually taper off.

The type of procedure that one undergoes also factors into how fast one can expect to lose weight. Moreover, your post-surgery care will also determine your weight loss process. Having a nutritional plan and an exercise regime will complement your recovery process and contribute to weight loss.

Myth #6 Normal food post surgery is a distant dream!

After your weight loss surgery, your diet will consist of liquid and soft or semi-solid food as you recover. Gradually you will be able to eat a variety of normal foods, but your diet will not look like what it did before the surgery. 

Bariatric Surgery emphasises portion control. Many people find success with smaller, frequent meals high in protein. There is always room to incorporate the food you love in moderation, as part of a balanced diet. Bariatric Surgery is a good tool to stay on track with a diet through a negative feedback loop. When you are full, you have to stop eating because you will be physically uncomfortable.

Myth #7 Bariatric surgery is the solution to all my health issues.

Bariatric or weight loss surgery is not a magical cure that will aid all your health problems. It is about moving from an unhealthy or at-risk health state to a healthy and improved state, resulting in a healthier lifestyle. Many people have healthy body weight and yet suffer from heart conditions and blood pressure. However, because obesity worsens these problems, weight loss surgery can help better manage these issues and eliminate them over time.

Weight loss surgery is a complex procedure and requires guidance and support of experts who are well versed with the potential risks and complications. It’s inevitable to consult with experts, such as Midas Touch, a reputed name in the field of cosmetic, plastic and bariatric surgery. They house the best plastic surgeon in Ahmedabad and are renowned for their post-operative care and support. Their Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Department is unarguably the best facility for treating obesity related issues.

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